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Dear God, You Knew All Along.

Many times we think we know where we should be in life or what our next step needs to be, but our God knows the real truth all along.


On May 15th, 2021, I was given the great honor to speak at my college graduation. Little did I know that a year later, I would be living out the exact words I shared on that special day.

"As we take a turn on this road to the new adventures of life, do not let society script your new journey for you. Never back down from a challenge. Never shy away from an opportunity to be better in your ways. Do not let society shape your vision of success." As I shared this speech, I knew that living out my life chasing after the "American Dream" wasn't for me. I wanted to encourage my fellow peers who felt the same that we didn't need to be defined by society in this next chapter of our lives. Although I felt this in my heart, I tried to chase after it anyways. I started coaching and working in the sport that I loved and played for 18 years, baseball. I thought I knew where I needed to be in life, I thought I knew what my next step needed to be, but God had other plans. He knew all along that today I'd be writing this blog post from Santiago, Dominican Republic.

So why am I in Santiago, Dominican Republic?

How am I living out those exact words?

What is Reflecting His Heart?

To answer these questions, we will have to time travel back to 2018.

Come along for the ride if you want.



December 8th, 2:30 a.m., and the horrific sounding iPhone alarm fills my college dorm room. One of the highlights of that fall semester was finally taking place, traveling to Haiti for a week-long mission trip with Newberry FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). I waited outside of Brokaw Hall with my black Nike pullover on, shivering as I waited for my ride to get there. After ten minutes or so, Katelyn, Lauren, and Paige arrived, and I jumped in the car. The trip had officially begun.

We drove directly to Waffle House because Dr. Lawimore (our FCA advisor and my college mentor) was adamant about 3:00 a.m. sharp. As we had breakfast, Dr. Lawimore was nowhere to be found. Around 3:40 a.m., long after my All-Star Special was devoured (scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, chocolate chip waffle, and water in case you were wondering), Dr. Lawimore pulled into the parking lot. He rushed inside, apologized for being late, and then jokingly yelled "Alright. We need to get going or we are going to be late!" We snuck in a quick selfie, and we were on our way.

When we arrived at the airport, the process was quite simple. By 11:30 a.m., we were boarding our plane. I called my mother one last time, and before I knew it, our plane was taking off.

During this week, we attended a Haitian church service, we built a kitchen for that same church, we played with the kids of that community, we built chalk boards for a school, and we fellowshipped

together. However, that week was much more than what we physically did with our hands, bodies, and voices. I saw God work in marvelous ways. I also saw the need, the pain, and a nation who was just simply fighting to survive. Kids without food or barely being fed. Kids who walked around naked or with very little clothes on because they had nothing. A family of 8 living in a shed-like home that was smaller than my college dorm room.

Towards the end of the week, as our time to say good-bye neared, Bill Howard (Founder of Disciples Village) asked me if I would be interested in doing an internship with Disciples Village in Haiti. To be completely transparent, I didn't even think about it. It was an easy no for me in that moment. College baseball and getting my degree were a much bigger priority in my life at that time. I politely let Bill know that I wasn't interested and that was the end of it all, or so I thought.

My group left Haiti on December 15th, 12:42 p.m. When I got home, I was so motivated in my walk with Christ for the next three months or so. My heart hurt for the people of Haiti, but it also carried the joy and desire to follow Christ because those people did the same with nothing to their name. I went to be a blessing for them, but they were a bigger blessing to me. After this trip, my desire to serve on the mission field was formed. Although it was a small desire, I expressed it to Dr. Lawimore, and he simply just laughed. "Pray on it kid. He'll take care of the rest."

So I prayed.



Many may think that I forgot or just skipped over the years 2019, and 2020, but those years don't help answer the initial three questions above. However, during those two years, I grew as a man. I learned a lot on the baseball field through the failures that I went through as a player. The game of baseball taught me lessons that I will hold near for the rest of my life. I learned a lot in the classroom. As I pursued a Bachelors of Science in Biology, I didn't think I would make it some days. The classroom didn't come easy for me, but God remained faithful throughout. I learned a lot about my faith. I learned that I was getting too comfortable trying to serve God as a lukewarm Christian. Something had to change in me if I was going to be the man God called me to be. The lessons that I learned during those two years allowed 2021 to become the most important year of my life.

As I laid in bed on May 15th, 2021, I was officially a college graduate. The first in my family to do so. The time had come to say goodbye to the sport and college that changed my life forever. The time had come to be an "Adult". Less than a week later, I had moved back home and accepted my first job after college: Marketing Manager at Turn2 Sports along with coaching 9U baseball.

A month later, I was in a place many would've dreamed to be in: I worked with my childhood best friend, I was about to go on my second mission trip to Haiti, I had my family back. Life was so good. However, in the coming weeks, my life was about to change forever. After many canceled trips in 2019 and 2020 because of civil unrest in Haiti along with a Global pandemic, the time had finally come for my second trip.

June 24th, 4:15 a.m., and that same horrific iPhone alarm filled Jeffcoat's house this time. I finished packing my bags that morning in the dark and jumped in the car. Our group took three separate cars to the airport this time around since we were leaving from three different cities: Columbia, Charlotte, and Newberry. Two of those cars made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare and checked-in all their bags with ease. The other car was receiving selfies from the airport, they had 30 minutes left before they could no longer check-in for our flight. With 15 minutes to spare, Dr. Lawimore's car came flying in. They all jump out of the car, Lawimore is screaming one command after the other. He looks me in the eyes, tosses me his keys, and tells me to go park his car as they run inside to get checked in.

Sydney and I jumped in his car, and I hit the gas pedal. We parked it in the nearest lot and rode bus shuttles to get back. For a second, I thought our group wasn't going to make it, but Dr. Lawimore just did it for the adrenaline rush. At 7:15 p.m., I was watching the sunset in Haiti. As I looked out and admired God's creation, I asked Him for one simple thing: Open my heart and allow me to see what you want me to this week.

My prayer was answered. My heart was opened to see and appreciate the gifts that each one of my peers carried with them. My heart was opened as our team came together and built two homes for two families. My heart was opened as a young lady named Jules became my best friend through "magic tricks" and card games. My heart was opened as I got to serve Christ with some of the most important friends I made at Newberry. My heart was opened as I worshiped God with our Haitian brothers in the back of a cattle truck.

By the end of the week, there was something different in me, but I couldn't figure out exactly what it was. On my last day there, I was on a swing, taking in the view one last time.

Suddenly, Bill Howard stepped out of his room. He walked over to me, and we began to talk. Eventually, the conversation shifted to a topic he and I spoke on years earlier. "Would you be interested in doing an internship with us?" Bill said. This time around, the answer was much more than a simple no. However, it wasn't a yes either. I went to bed that night exhausted, but as I laid in bed, I couldn't sleep. 1:00 a.m., and nothing. 2:00 a.m., and nothing. 3:00 a.m., and nothing. I laid there in bed fighting my heart. My heart was telling me I needed to be in Haiti, my mind was telling something else. Finally, I just prayed.

"God, I asked you to open my heart this week.

If serving you in Haiti is where you want me, make it obvious."

Minutes later, I was sound asleep. I woke up the next morning, and we flew home. We made it back that night relatively late, so I went straight to bed. Two of my dear friends had their rehearsal dinner the following day, it was time to get them married. I had forgotten about that prayer I said, God didn't.

As we celebrated the love Dalton and Monica share that next day, I stepped outside to make a quick phone call to my mother. I hadn't talked to my parents since I got back from Haiti. As we talked on the phone, I told her about all that God had done. I then proceeded to try and tell her about a gift I bought her in Haiti. I spoke into the phone, "Ma, I have a surprise for you.", grinning from ear to ear.

"No, you don't.", she responded. "Ma, yes I do.", and once again, "No you don't son. I know your surprise." I got a little upset with my mother, so I responded, "If you know my surprise, then what is it?!" She responded, "You are moving to Haiti, and you are going to be a missionary serving God's people. I had a dream Wednesday night about it." I was speechless. Tears just started to fall down my face.

He made it obvious.

I finished celebrating my friend's marriage that weekend, and on my way home that Sunday, I messaged Bill Howard on Facebook. "I am ready to serve God in Haiti, with Disciples Village.". The next 6 months felt like a movie. I accepted the position of Associate Missionary for Disciples Village on August 25th, 2021. I made a commitment for three years in Haiti, no salary, no personal advancement in my career. I was going to have to fully fund myself to chase after this calling I had over my life and in my heart.

I didn't care. God had spoken clear to me and had been speaking since 2018. I informed my boss that in January 2022, I'd be leaving to serve God on the mission field. I founded the Non-Profit Reflecting His Heart to use it as a platform to share what God was doing and going to do in this country, as well as fund my upcoming ministry over the next three years or more. From the month of August to the month of December, I had a lot of phone calls with staff at Disciples Village. I had many "see you soon" with family, coaches, and friends. I had a lot of prayer time with God. I knew I was where I needed to be.

God Knew All Along.



May 29th, 4:24 p.m., and I smile as I sit down to finish this blog. I am currently sitting in Santiago, Dominican Republic about 95 miles away from the country I feel called to, Haiti. I haven't been able to step foot in Haiti since taking this position because of the same civil unrest that has haunted the country over the last decade, but that didn't stop God from working. Since the start of the year 2022, I have been living in Santiago with the Davis family and Shersty, chasing after this calling as God continues to open doors for ministry. God has been doing some beautiful things in this country and God will continue to do beautiful things in this country. Blog after blog, I will share all that God is doing because He deserves the praise and glory for it.


So why am I in Santiago, Dominican Republic?

I am here serving God's creation while sharing the gospel with them.

How am I living out those exact words?

I didn't let society shape my vision of success. Many would look at this life choice and call me crazy, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

What is Reflecting His Heart?

A Non-Profit founded to reflect the heart of Jesus to all creation.

It will also serve as a platform to tell the world about what God is doing in these countries, through kindhearted donations, and through my life as well as cover all expenses that come with the life of a missionary.

Now you know my story. I pray that as you develop your own story in life, you realize and understand that God knew all along. Stop second guessing yourself, you are right where you need to be.

With Love and Gratitude,



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God continues to shine his love and blessings on you! Mike and I are proud of you for dedication to his ministry. Trust God…..he knows your path. Thank you for being a Godly man in Morgan’s life that she has always looked for. We love you and pray for you everyday! Kim and Mike

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