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Dear God, Why Are Some Months Over So Fast?

Did the month of July only have like 15 days for anyone else or was it just me?


When I choose this title and description line for this blog, the month of July was about to end. It was July 30th, and I had just landed in Florida to spend the month of August back in the states celebrating many life moments with family and friends. The month of August felt even shorter than the month of July so finding time to fully express myself through writing this blog never came. However, here I am, halfway through September finally giving this blog a go.

I say all of this to once again ask God, "why are some months over so fast"?


July - The month that only had "15 days" this year

Although this month felt like it only had 15 days, the Lord was present in so many ways.

I don't have a specific theme to speak under and flow with, and honestly, I don't care because sometimes real feelings and thoughts are sloppy.

I'm just going to start writing and sharing all the lessons God taught me during these two months that were over in a blink of an eye.


July 3rd - You are living in an answered prayer, yet you are complaining?

It’s Sunday morning, 6:30 a.m. and that awful iPhone alarm is once again waking me up. Church starts at 9:30 a.m. with Kid’s church, but Sandy and I had to be up at 6:30 a.m. to start cleaning. For the next two hours, we swept, we mopped, we cleaned toilets, we took out the trash, and we set up chairs. By 9:00 a.m., the kids were already outside, knocking on the gate door and yelling at us to let them in. Sandy and I both got a quick shower in, and we were ready to start Kid’s church.

As I went to unlock the gate, I looked at all the kiddos and gave them one simple instruction: "Before you run in to sit down, please wipe your shoes off on the doormat." As soon as the door opened, they took off running. Not a single kid stopped to wipe their shoes off, my heart just dropped. I was instantly frustrated, "Why did we even clean?".

Not even five minutes later, I took my phone out and recorded the floor. Why? Because right after I had that negative thought, I felt like the Lord was telling me this:

"Why are you upset? Haven't you been praying for more and more kids to come to church?"

I heard Him clearly and I learned my lesson.

In this moment for me, over 30 kids showed up to hear the gospel and I was complaining that the floor I had just mopped was dirty. It is embarrassing to even type this and admit that I was so close to missing the answered prayer right in front of me, missing out on what was important! Now I ask you, what answered prayer are you currently living in, yet you are complaining about it?

You've been praying for a job promotion and now you have it


Now it's too much work.

You've been praying for an awesome partner/spouse and now you have it


Now that person isn't enough.

Some of you may be thinking, I am not a Christian or I don't pray, how is this relatable? I'll tell you.

You've dreamed of playing your favorite sport in college, and now you are


Now the "coach doesn't like you" so you hate it.

You've always wanted a specific career, and now you have it


Now your boss is just "too much".

The lesson God taught me in this moment was simple, be grateful because you've been praying for this.

Don't miss out on this moment.

Today I tell you, look around and find those moments you've been missing out on.

Psalm 116:1 - I love the Lord, for He heard my voice: He heard my cry for mercy.


July 9th/July 26th - There is beauty in unity.

The month of July came with some visitors. We were blessed to have two groups come down to serve alongside us, the Munger family and North Point Church. The Munger family came ready to bless the local church here in Santiago and did just that! Their group was able to paint the entire inside of the church, put screens on all the windows (helps keep the spiders out), and work on small repairs at the Davis's house. As you can you see from the picture above, I also helped with the painting. I promise the walls got more paint on them than I did!

North Point arrived a couple weeks later and came ready to serve as well! However, their week looked a little different. We were able to spend three days pouring into a Haitian community with door-to-door ministry, hosted a kid's outreach, and took part in their Sunday church service. The rest of the week consisted of helping a local church with their Vacation Bible School. For three straight days, we visited a new church and loved on their kids. We sang, we danced, we learned about the gospel, and we played games. God was present during both weeks, and He showed what He can do through hearts that are willing to be a part of His mission.

He showed there is beauty in unity.

This church couldn't afford to paint their church and fix their roof


A family joined together, not only to raise the funds for both, but also traveled to do the work.

This Haitian community didn't have someone to love them enough to come share the gospel


This church joined together to do just that.

As the unity took place, beautiful things followed.

Groups of people from different walks of life came together to serve.

Our differences didn't matter to God.

Unified under God, lives and communities were impacted during these two weeks.

What more could we accomplish as God's church if we served united?

What more could we accomplish as a country if division didn't rule us?

Psalm 133:1 - How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity.


July 14th - A simple yes can go a long way.

It was a Thursday afternoon, 1:22 p.m. to be exact, and I had run straight into a wall. I left the Davis's house and walked over to the church to catch a nap. As I walked to the church, I was already setting my alarm to make sure this nap didn't consume my entire afternoon. The alarm was pointless because once I got to the church, there was a little one sitting outside. "Jonathan, vamos a jugar?" or "Jonathan, let's play?".

As I looked at him, I felt like I was in a movie with an angel (the good guy) on one shoulder, and the devil (the bad guy) on the other. Was I going to choose my nap or was I going to take the opportunity to love on this kid? I choose to love on him, but don't think my heart was in it. I almost felt like I had to do it.

However, God knew all along that my nap wasn't why I walked back to the church. He knew that this boy needed this moment, but He knew I needed this lesson. This specific moment taught me this lesson:

A simple yes can go a long way.

I could have said no, and taken my nap


Allowed me to see that goal scored, and smile you see above.

I could have said no to God when He called me to the mission field


Allowed me to see God work in mighty ways the last 8 months of my life.

You could have said no to making that text or call


Allowed your friend to be reminded that he or she is loved.

You could've said no to giving the church member a hug


Allowed a prayer to be answered because that person was asking God for a hug that morning.

Say yes.

A yes here gave two people, a young boy and a man, a reason to smile.

What can your next "yes" do?

Don't underestimate God, it can be powerful.

Psalm 143:10 - Teach me to do your will, for You are my God; let Your good spirit lead me on level ground.


July 16th - As cliche as it sounds, be grateful.

As a kid, I use to love "Back to School Shopping" because of what it meant for me: new backpack, new pencils, new shoes, and new clothes. I used to love the night before the first day of school as well. I would have my outfit all picked out the night before, and I wouldn't be able to sleep over the excitement I had.

Aidan (the boy pictured above) hasn't had that feeling many times in his life. This ten-year-old hasn't been to school in over four years, but that ended this past July. All his legal paperwork is done, and we had the blessing of taking him school shopping. We left on a Saturday morning to go buy him what he needed, stopping at a few stores throughout our trip. As we drove around the city, he couldn't contain his excitement. He kept telling me how to drive, when the light turned green as if I couldn't see it, and to simply hurry up. I can confidently say this day was a success. His smile and this day as a whole reminded me of one thing that we tend to forget during the roller coaster that life takes us on:

Be grateful.

This boy's story reminded me of how blessed I truly am.

His smile and excitement for a simple pencil or notebook allowed me to see his past and present needs.

This may have been his first time ever getting to pick out his own school supplies.

Growing up I didn't have it all


I still got the opportunity to go to school.

Growing up, life was tough at times


My family was together and loved me.

During college I wanted to give up sometimes


I still got the opportunity to get a college degree and play college baseball.

Too many times, I took those things for granted.

Look at your life.

Past or present.

What do you have that you take for granted?

What has God blessed you with that you keep overlooking?

If it is such a cliche thing, why must we always be reminded?

Psalm 118:1 - Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.


August - You can never overuse "I Love You" and "Thank You".

The month of July was one that brought many blessings and many lessons that I am very grateful for. The month of August didn’t disappoint though. It was also filled with life moments that I will always carry in my heart. The lesson I learned this month was present through all 37 days that I was home:

You can never overuse "I Love You" and "Thank You".

Jacob and Janelle Jeffcoat got married August 6th, and I got to see my boy marry the woman of his dreams.

Jacob, I love you and thank you for being a brother to me all these years.

You know the love I have for you.

Janelle, you're kind of cool too.

I got on a plane August 11th to head to Virginia to meet my girlfriend's family.

Morgan LeAnne Lowers, I love you and I am grateful you showed me your home.

Meeting your family was an absolute blessing.

Thank you for saying yes to doing life together.

My old man turned 50 and our family took a trip to Puerto Rico to celebrate.

My family, Papi, Ma, Jason, Mel, and Mason, I love you.

Thank you for always believing in me and loving me through all my adventures in life.

I pray every day to make you proud.

I was blessed enough to preach twice this month.

My home church received me as they always do, with love.

I will never be able to fully express my gratitude to them.

Center Baptist Church and the Lawrimore family, thank you.

Thank you for having me and allowing me to share what God is doing here in Santiago.

Lastly, thank you to all of those who donated during our fundraiser to get a car.

37 days, 75 donors, $10,830 raised and one faithful God.

The Lord's provision is unmatched.

His faithfulness is overwhelming.

His love is abundant.

Let's see what car shopping and the month of September bring.

I love you and thank you.

With Love and Gratitude,




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