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Dear God, Time Flies When You Are Having Fun.

Time flies when you are having fun, but what does time do when you are not having fun?



noun [taim]

: the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.


adjective [fan]

: providing entertainment, amusement, or enjoyment

As I look at these two definitions, the overused phrase "time flies when you are having fun" rings true.

Time flew by when I navigated through five years of college.

Time flew by when Newberry baseball decided to be crazy and win a SAC Championship.

Time flew by anytime my family, and I spent time together over the years.

Time flew by as my nephew Mason, and I had countless dance parties in the living room.

Time flew by anytime I was belly laughing through life with my friends.

Time flew by when I finally had the courage to ask a special lady to be my girlfriend.

Time flew by in the happiest, most fulfilling moments of my life.

However, if I look at my life during the first three months in Santiago,

that overused phrase is wrong.

Time flies regardless of the situation. Time could care less about you.


When you are having fun

When I boarded the plane on January 13th, 2022, I didn’t know what the next three months would look like. The feeling of chasing after God’s calling was so exciting but also so overwhelming. Honestly, I didn’t know what doors God would open for me down here. I was scared to mess it up.

However, today as I type I can say this: time flew by during those three months regardless of what I said, regardless of what I did, and regardless of how I felt. Never being able to stop it, or speed past it, but simply having to live in it.

On January 21st, we hosted our first Kid’s Outreach in the community we are living in. As we prepared for this event, we agreed that the event would start at 9:30 a.m., or so we thought. When the clock hit 9:30 a.m., there were two kids in the church. I began to ask God, “Did you forget about us?” Long story short, He didn’t. Over the next thirty minutes, kids started showing up. One kid arrived, then four kids arrived, then two kids arrived, and it continued. By 10:00 a.m., we had over eighty kids present. All of them showing up by feet, with no parents to drop them off. God took care of it at HIS time.

As you watch these videos, you can see the smiles, the laughs, and the amount of joy pouring out of these kids. Their need for God’s love through fellow believers was apparent, many of them simply wanting to be heard and loved. Before I knew it though, our team was cleaning up. The day was already over, and our first Kid’s Outreach had been a success.

Just like this moment was over in a blink of an eye, so many more moments felt the same during those short three months. Moments where you wish you could pause time and cherish those smiles just a little bit longer. Moments you would do anything to experience again.

I remember finding myself in a school a month later, Jamey and I meeting over forty kids for the first time. We led a physical education style course that day (I don’t know why because neither one of us is qualified). Regardless of how unqualified we were, God was in the midst of it. I am certain of that because by the end of the day, two American men were so loved by all of those kids. Many of them asking, “Is it over already?” or “Can we play a little longer?” desperately wanting more time to have fun, to smile, to simply be kids, but being told no. Not by Jamey or myself, but by time.

Time flies


When you see the need and hurt in those around you

During those three months, I fell in love with those kids. Each and every moment with them made me understand why God brought me to that specific church. Although we shared many laughs and smiles, I was also able to see the need and hurt they all carried. It made me question many things about their life.

Why is a 6-year-old girl carrying her little sister as they walk to church? Where are their parents?

Why can't the 7-year-old boy that I am loving on spell his own name? Can his family not afford schooling?

Why does this 6-year-old boy always ask for food when he sees me? Does he get fed at home?

Why do I see a 7-year-old boy walking outside at 7:00 a.m. by himself and when I get back at 9:00 p.m.?

Why does this 8-year-old boy always run to the church when he sees our car pull-up? Does he just want to be loved?

When I look over these questions, I wish I had the answers. Day after day, we've tried to find different ways to serve these kids, to eliminate their needs, and pour love into those hurt scars. However, time doesn't care. It continues to tick away as these kids continue to suffer. It continues to tick away as we continue to teach them the gospel. It continues to tick away as generational curses affect them daily.

As time continues to tick away, we will continue to serve and love every single one of these kids.

Time still flies


When you feel loved

On March 10th, 8:00 a.m. I sat on the edge of my bed with tears rolling down my face. It was my birthday. I remember waking up to a birthday text from my girlfriend which had a video link in it. When I clicked the link, the flood gates opened. In this video, I saw the faces of family and friends who I missed dearly. Each of them taking time to wish me a happy birthday and share their hearts with me. I felt so loved. However, that was only the beginning of God showing me how blessed I truly am to have the community I have.

Shersty, Lexi, and I jumped in the car later that day and headed to SI's medical clinic. In this clinic, the doctor and her staff serve the pregnant women of that community. Shersty was the real help in our group as she was there to help translate for the Haitian mothers that came. Some way, somehow though, I ended up being a help, too. On my 24th birthday, I found myself being a part of teaching Dominican and Haitian mothers how to breastfeed their future babies. As we taught the lesson, the doctor would speak in Spanish, which I would then translate to English so that Shersty could then translate it from English to Creole. 3 brains, 3 languages, 1 teaching. I don't know how, but we got it done.

On our way home, we decided to explore. We ended up at a coffee shop talking about who knows what. From there, Lexi wanted to try some wine in the Dominican Republic. Before we even had time to say yes, we were sitting at this BOUGIE restaurant with very over-priced wine. However, Lexi bought a bottle, and we spilt it between the three of us. Plenty more laughs were shared as we sat there with no cares. On the way home, I was so content. A day that had started with some tough tears ended up being one of the most spontaneous days of my life.

However, I didn't know what was waiting for me at home.

"Surprise!" "Felicidades!"

The Davis family hosted a surprise birthday party for me and invited some of our new Dominican family. I was gifted ice cream, had three birthday cakes, sung happy birthday in two languages, and we sang karaoke. As the night came to an end, I laid in bed reflecting on the day. I would've loved to celebrate with my family and friends back home, but I felt so loved and taken care of in Santiago by my family here. As I laid in bed, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I wanted time to sit still a little longer. Yet, a couple hours later, and the day was over. Time had the final say.

Time still flies


When you feel alone

It'd be easier to sit here and act like the first three months in Santiago were perfect, but then what picture would I painting? A false one built on lies that the world expects from us all. Not here, not me.

Although, I saw God in so many ways during those three months, I saw some of my loneliest and darkest days as well. About two months in, I ran straight into a wall, and I didn't know how to get up. I felt lost.

"You're not worthy of God's love."

"Why are you even doing this?"

"No one cares to hear it."

"Give up. The work you are doing is a waste of time."

"You will never be good enough for the Lord."

"You are wasting your life away."

"You're a useless sinner."

As I walked through daily life activities or as I laid alone at the church at night, the enemy would place these thoughts in my head. I was seeing all that God was doing around me, but I wanted to believe my thoughts instead. I wanted to believe and choose the lies the enemy told me over God's promises. Laying in bed with tears running down my face became a regular fight I had to endure, but not a single person hearing or seeing them. I didn't want anyone to. I was embarrassed. I was angry. I needed God.

As I drowned in my thought's day after day, time didn't care enough to stop. Day after day, I sunk deeper, but the work had to continue. I just prayed to get my head above water, but time kept ticking.

Time Still Flies


Time could care less about us, but we must still cherish it

Cherish it because you never know when time will decide that it's over.

Cherish the fact that it flies when you are having fun.

Cherish the fact that it flies when you see the need and hurt in those around you.

Cherish the fact that it flies when you feel loved.

Cherish the fact that it flies when you feel alone.

In the world we live in today, with everything going on around us, time is precious.

If you are currently in a happy season, be present.

Sing that song at the top of your lungs.

Ask that person on a date.

Show off those dance moves.

Time will fly.

If you currently see the need and pain in those around you, be present.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

Be someone who carries their friend's burdens.

Be someone who speaks for those who don't have a voice.

Time will fly.

If you are currently feeling so much love in this season, be present.

Overuse I love you.

Hug your loved ones.

Express your gratitude.

Time will fly.

If you are currently feeling alone, be present.

God walks with you.

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Express those emotions.

Time will fly.

We won't be on this world forever. We won't be in the same season forever.

Live your life in the present.

Never in the past.

Never in the future.

Time will fly.

With Love and Gratitude,




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