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Dear God, Thank You For Turning My Fears And Doubts Into The Best Year Of My Life.

As I begin writing this blog to reflect on our first year of ministry, I am taken back to one simple question: "What if I didn't say yes to being a missionary because of fears and doubts I had?". I thank God that I will never have to answer that question. I thank God for the best year of my life.


To be frank with you, I have been wanting to write this blog since early December. Yet, I haven't found the correct words to say, and I made a promise to myself to never write just because "I had to write." To be honest, I am not worried about how it flows, or what structure it has, or if it even makes sense. I am worried about one thing: that God receives all the glory that He is worthy of. I want to write when the Holy Spirit is the one leading the words being typed, painting our experiences for the world to see God's faithfulness, and processing the lessons that were learned through the gospel. It took getting a month into 2023 to finally have the words to fully express how breathtaking ministry was in year one for RH2.

Let me explain.

I came up with one simple goal for 2023; read the entire bible.

Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.

This month, I have read Genesis and Exodus.

Yes, I know that if I keep this pace,

I won't even make it through the Old Testament by 2025.

That is not the point.

The point is simple,

I needed to read these two books to fully reflect on 2022 and our first year of ministry.

Different parts in the life of Abraham and Moses mirrored the first steps of this journey.

Let me explain.


Exodus Chapter 3 sets one of our scenes for us.

God selects Moses to be the chosen one to bring His people,

the children of Israel, out of Egypt.

Yet, Moses immediately expresses fear and doubt.

Not once, but three separate times.

Exodus 3:11

"Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?"

Exodus 4:1

"But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say,

the Lord did not appear to you."

Exodus 4:10

"Oh my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue."

Moses doubted his abilities, and what God could accomplish through him.

The one thing Moses didn't realize is this,

it didn't matter what Moses thought he was capable of because Moses wasn't the one that was going to do the work.

God was and He was the one who would be glorified.

Insert Jonathan Elicier.

I had the same exact response as Moses when God called me to the mission field.

Doubted my abilities.

Undeserving of such a calling.

Not realizing that my "qualifications" did not and would not matter.

God was still glorified in year one of ministry.


Genesis Chapter 22 sets the second scene for us.

God promised Abraham a son from Sarah.

At an old age, Abraham and Sarah finally had Isaac.

A long-awaited promise had finally come true.

However, the tables turned fast.

Genesis 22:1-2

"After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, "Abraham!"

And he said "Here I am"

He said, "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love,

and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you"

One would think Abraham would have responded with fear and doubt.








Genesis 22:3

"So Abraham rose early in the morning..."

No why.

No complaint.

No fear or doubt.

Unconditional faith.

It also says Abraham rose when?


As soon as Abraham could, he did.

Wasted no time.

Desperate to fulfill God's will.

Insert Jonathan Elicier.

I did not have the same exact response as Abraham when

God called me to the mission field.

However, that was my response many times during our first year of ministry.

He spoke, I followed.

Fear and doubt wanted to creep in, and it did,

but God used my faith for His glory.

Today I get to show you what God can accomplish when we just rise and act

on His command without hesitation.

Not because we are capable of these moments.

Simply because He allows us to be a part of them.

It wasn't Abraham or Moses.

It wasn't Jonathan Elicier.

It wasn't RH2.

It has always been and always will be

the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.



The month of January felt like a dream. I couldn't believe the time had come to board a plane and head to the island that would become my new home. Many first took place during this entire month:

My first trip to the grocery store where I was shocked to find S'mores Pop-Tarts.

My first time running to the monument (the pride and joy of this city) at 6 a.m.

because Shersty dragged me into it. The view was worth it.

I visited my favorite school for the first time ever, without having a clue that I would fall in love with those kids, and they would love Jamey and I just as much.

My first time cleaning my new room and putting my furniture together.

My first sermon in the Dominican Republic.

Our first time hosting a kid's outreach where God turned two kids

being present at 9:30 a.m. to over 80 kids being present by 10:00 a.m.

January, the month I knew that if God calls, He provides.



The month of February was one that I didn't use the word "no" often. Any church event, any chance to explore, it was a yes for me. Saying "yes" allowed me to see God's work in unique and beautiful ways, however one or two of those "yes" got me in trouble.

A yes ended with Jamey and I wearing matching fanny packs.

A yes ended in a movie night at the church for our kids in the community.

They loved the popcorn.

A yes ended with over 20 kids at church one Sunday morning.

That was the first time we ever had over ten kids come.

God was working.

A yes ended with a chance to spread the gospel in a new church.

A yes ended in driving around the community to pick up little ones

and bring them to our kids outreach event.

A yes ended up in a much-needed new bed for me.

However, it wasn't all positive.

A yes ended with a bad haircut, and a face covered in Vic's vapor rub.

This burned my eyes and cheeks for a solid hour.

A yes ended with me having to force down two plates of pig liver, lungs, and intestines.

The worse part, I spilt my drink.

I just felt the meat sitting in my throat with nothing to wash it down.

February, a month of many yes, and month of many blessings.



The month of March, one with very little pictures. A month where I was drowning, and I didn't say anything. My confidence was shot, my emotions were scattered, and I was doubting my calling.

Many nights I laid in bed and cried.

Many nights I called home but wasn't present in those conversations.

Many days I put on a smile, but I was hurting on the inside.

Many days I would ask God,

"Is this why you called me? To have me hurting?"

However, even in my valley, He loved me.

My family here made me feel so special on my 24th birthday.

So special that I had three cakes

and they sang happy birthday three different times in two languages.

I was able to share the gospel at the end of the month during

halftime at a basketball game.

He was still using me even if I felt useless.

His plan would still unfold regardless of how I felt.

March, a month of hurt that challenged me in many ways.



The month of May, one that rekindled the spirit in me, one that made me dive head deep into the word daily. It was one that came with smiles, time with dear friends, and seeing God's awe-inspiring creation.

May 18th, and I was back in Santiago.

This month I was able to hike with mis amigos and

explore the beauty this island has to offer.

Our Young Adult group continued to grow.

This porch has seen God move in powerful ways and this was another example.

Lastly, I had to go see my favorite school.

PE with Coach Jon Jon and Coach Santiago.

May, a month that came with peace.



The month of June was one that came with pure happiness. It was one that filled my cup in many ways. It was a month that led us to new places, and familiar ones. God's faithfulness didn't change regardless.

We were able to celebrate my "little brother's" birthday.

He was a little frustrated at first because he thought we weren't going to,

but little did he know a tasty cake was waiting.

We hosted an outreach event for our kiddos,

flying kites + talking about Jesus.

It doesn't get any better than that.

Not only did the kids enjoyed, Jamey and I did too.

We found ourselves in Pedro Garcia on a side of a mountain.

We went to specific houses to pray and bless families with a bag of simple groceries.

I preached.

A life accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Nothing will ever be better than choosing Jesus.

Pure Joy.

Heaven celebrated with us.

June, a month of breakthrough.



The month of July came with visitors who partnered with us to share the gospel. We had many moments to love on many different kids from different churches and different backgrounds.

Aidan is a 10-year-old boy who we helped get enrolled in school.

We were able to bless him with all his school supplies and uniform needs.

In these moments I am reminded how truly blessed I was as a child.

Eli, my little brother, loves making faces while enjoying our sweet frog.

I met some Haitian girls during an outreach event,

sassy and sweet.

As you can see from the peace signs, I got on their good side.

Our month ended with four different Vacation Bible School at four different churches.

We saw and worshipped God with over 200 kiddos that week.

Unbelievable and Incomparable.

The month of July made me feel like a kid again.



The month of September was a special month. We celebrated a massive victory and answered prayer while also realizing how hard the most basic things can be living in a third world country.

We had been praying for months for our boy Yuniel to get the blessing

of going to school for the first time ever in his life.

In the month of September, we were able to buy all of his

school supplies and uniform needs.

However, he hadn't been accepted in a school yet because

they were all too full.

We continued to pray.

While continuing to fight for a better future for our kiddos,

we realized how hard clean water is to get here.

September consisted of two projects for Jamey and me.

One project was to clean out the cistern so the water

we received from the water truck could be kept clean.

As you can see above, sometimes to have to shower with dirty water.

It's simply a part of life now.

The other project was to build a drainage system on the side of

the church to collect rainwater.

We tend to run out of water here frequently.

If the water truck that cost $40 can't come that day, you just don't shower.

It's simply a part of life now.

September made me realize that God is faithful in the mountain top and the answered prayers, but also in the valleys and the nights with no shower.



The month of October was one that came with God's provision. I am so undeserving, yet so grateful!

When this month started, I was in constant prayer about two things:

Finding a car and Yuniel getting into school.

In October, both of these prayers were answered.

After months of prayer and tough conversations, Yuniel was going to school.

(If you want to read Yuniel's full story, click here)

God hears His children.

In August, my village and Lord came together to raise over $10,000 for a car.

After months of prayer and many failed attempts (look at that flat) to find the right car,

God answered.

Somewhere along my time here, I also started CrossFit.

STI CrossFit became a second home and a second family.

I may have won my first CrossFit competition as well,

but just in the beginner's division.

October reminded me of one simple message,

prayer is powerful.



The month of November was the fairytale ending to our first year of ministry and the best year of my life.

We had the blessing of taking our kid's ministry on a field trip to the city park.

We ran, we sang, we played games, and of course the girls won.

Jamey and I were able to go pray with Haitian families along side

our Korean friends and fellow missionaries.

Two Americans with two Koreans and a Haitian pastor praying over

Haitians in the Dominican Republic.

Only God can bring us to moments like these.

Shiloh and I love to go to the food trucks here in Santiago.

Shiloh didn't like me when the year started, now she tells me her boy secrets and

I am called her big brother at school.

If only she knew how much that meant to me.

Last but not least,

my best friend came to visit me in my home and met my family.

I got to show her different people and parts of this island that stole my heart,

just like she did.


Our week ended with my tire falling off my car on the highway

on our way back from the beach.

Luckily, a random mechanic pulled over and helped us without saying a word.

The next day we had a two-hour tow truck ride and

that was how we spent our last day in the Dominican.

November, the perfect ending.


To each and every person who played a role in any of these moments, we say thank you.

With Love and Gratitude,




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